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Ratio Transcribendi

Recently I have made it principle to use the following sigla in my transcription. Those principles may not be followed in the transciptions made in the past.

In textu

Spellings are classicized.

/ The end of a line of each page;
|| The end of a page/column of each ms;
If there are more than two mss for one text, I distinguish mss by different colours

*** illegible letters
--- words I fail to solve or cannot read
<> addidi
[] expunxi
`ยด interlenear or marginal additions

underline readings I'm not sure
strike through readings which I do not understand well

In apparatu

spellings are those in mss, if only one manuscript is known for the text; otherwise classicized.
Abbreviated parts are parenthesized, e.g. t(antu)m.
Abbreviations are solved in a standard way, even when the scribe uses one abbreviation for another word, e.g. t()m for 'tamen' is always reported in the apparatus as 'tamen] t(antu)m', sub()a for 'subiecta' as 'subiecta] sub(stanti)a', etc.

+ the scribe adds
+ [] the scribe writes and deletes/expunged
i.m. in margine
s.l. super lineam
i.t. in textu